Password FD

Proteze Flashdisk ho Password

My Flashdisk
My Flashdisk

Hakarak proteze ita nia flashdisk atu Dadus iha laran ema seluk labelee lee ?
Trik tuir mai nee ita uja atu oinsa proteze flashdisk, mak ita utilija ho password atu proteze flashdisk, karik password la los, mak computer sei shutdown automaticamente. Tips atu foo password ba flashdisk nee kompatibel ho sistem operasi Windows XP.

Loke aplikasi Notepad, ho mekanisme hanesan bai-bain liu husi Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad ou liu husi RUN depois ketik Notepad no Enter.

Copy no paste script tuir mai nee iha Notepad.
on error goto 0
dim s,quest,sd,m,winpath,fs
set sd=createobject(“”)
set fs=createobject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
set winpath=fs.getspecialfolder(0)
set s=wscript.createobject(“”)
do while quest=””
quest=inputbox(“Input PASSWORD, Karik hatama password salah, mak komputer sei shutdown otomatis.”,””)
if quest=”” then
m=MsgBox(“Sorry you don’t have the password…!”, 0+0+48, “”)
end if
if quest=”Hakerek password” then “shutdown -a” winpath & “\explorer.exe /e,/select, ” & Wscript.ScriptFullname
else “shutdown -s -t 0″
end if

Hakerek ita nia password iha parte “Hakerek password”, no kuidadu ho letra boot no letra ki’ik.
Simpan file nee ho hili tipe all files, foo naran “passwordfd.vbs” (la uja kutip)

Depois hotu tiha, ba setting otomatis depois flashdisk hatama ba PC, loke Notepad foun taan, no copy paste script tuir mei nee :
shellexecute=wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs
action=Flashdisk nee uja ona password

Iha parte script action iha leten bele modifika tuir ho ita nia hakarak, Simpan file nee ho hili tipe all files, foo nara “autorun.inf” (la uja kutip)

Depois muda tiha file rua nee hanesan autorun.inf dan passwordfd.vbs ba ita nia flashdisk.

Langkah ikus mak, halo subar file autorun.inf no passwordfd.vbs  ho cara klik kanan iha file ida – ida (autorun.inf no passwordfd.vbs)  depois hili properties centang kotak nebee iha ho simbolo hidden. Hotu ona…….He…heee.heeeeeeee

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